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5 threads - 6 posts
Official Plot Thread!
by Coyotestar
Apr 21, 2014 12:42:55 GMT -6
The rules of of this forum. You will be expected to follow them throughout your stay here. Please read them before joining, and just ask if any questions arouse.
6 threads - 43 posts
Activity check #1
by Tigerstar
Apr 23, 2014 11:22:55 GMT -6
General and Clan announcements can be found in this board, along with staff or high position auditions, activity checks, and contests.
2 threads - 3 posts
New Job, Less Activity
by Cindernose
May 4, 2014 21:47:09 GMT -6
If you're leaving for a few days, weeks, or forever, please let us know in this board so you can be safe from future activity checks.
17 threads - 203 posts
CBox Strugs
by Lionstar
May 22, 2014 16:08:04 GMT -6
Basically anything and everything can be posted in this board! You may vent, play games, post a studio to make people banners and avatars, and more! Please be sure to keep everything PG 13, of course!
34 threads - 75 posts
by Lionstar
Mar 14, 2014 6:16:41 GMT -6
Old or finished threads will be moved into this board and go in the appropriate sub board.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
17 threads - 42 posts
by JuniperFang
Jul 11, 2014 17:10:45 GMT -6
Once you have read the rules, you may start creating your cat, using the form that's provided. Please be sure to look at the bans and encouragements post in the rules board before filling it out. Then post it with just your cat's name. Nothing else, please. A staff member will look it over and accept or decline it. Once you've been accepted, feel free to start roleplaying!
17 threads - 34 posts
by Tigerstar
Apr 27, 2014 12:37:19 GMT -6
All accepted characters will be moved into this board under the correct sub board. In each board will be the list of all cats in that group (if they're a rogue or loner) / Clan. If your cat isn't on their appropriate list, please message a staff member so it can be fixed.
22 threads - 79 posts
moment of truth .. row's plots
by Rowanpaw
Apr 29, 2014 10:02:01 GMT -6
Are you wanting a mate? Perhaps an enemy or two, friend, or a family member you'd like to be roleplayed by a person? Post all of your wanted ads here.
8 threads - 13 posts
Shiny's Log
by Blizzardshard
Mar 4, 2014 1:37:13 GMT -6
Keep track of all of your felines here!


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
1 thread - 8 posts
Never Ending [open]
by Lionstar
Feb 9, 2014 10:29:00 GMT -6
ThunderClan's camp is in the middle of an oak forest. Their camp is a hollow that was thought to be carved by Twolegs long ago. Because of this, it makes it easy to defend and hard to attack. Their dens are mostly made of bushes or bramble patches.
3 threads - 13 posts
Shiny Can't Think Of A Good Title [Open]
by Blizzardshard
Mar 9, 2014 21:11:18 GMT -6
ThunderClan's territory is mostly an oak tree forest. The cats of ThunderClan don't feel comfortable under an open sky, so their territory is perfect for them. Under the oak trees, birds, squirrels, and mice may be hunted. Towards the north of their territory is an abandoned Twoleg nest and nearby is a small, old Thunderpath. A stream is the shared boundary with ShadowClan in the east and to the south with WindClan. They also own a small strip of moorland closer to the Moonpool.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
2 threads - 12 posts
I NEED TO KNOW . private
by Deleted
Mar 14, 2014 0:28:14 GMT -6
WindClan's camp is a large dip in the ground, so they can get full view of the sky and sleep under the stars. Since everything in the moorland looks similar, it is pretty hard to find.
2 threads - 5 posts
Rabbit Season [Open]
by Tigerstar
Apr 28, 2014 14:05:33 GMT -6
WindClan's territory consists mostly of beautiful rolling hills. The cats of WindClan feel uncomfortable and trapped under trees, so these hills, where they can see StarClan at night, are well suited for them. To the north of their territory is a small stream, which is the border with ThunderClan, and a small strip of forest. A small Twolegplace is in their territory next to the Horseplace. The border with RiverClan is the marshes.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
2 threads - 2 posts
late night {OPEN}
by Deleted
Feb 7, 2014 23:59:31 GMT -6
RiverClan's camp is an island, protected by a stream and a large river. Their camp is hidden behind thick fern clumps. Past the bushes is their camp, which is a large clearing with many dens.
3 threads - 6 posts
The Peace of the Dawn [Open]
by Deleted
Mar 12, 2014 15:58:30 GMT -6
RiverClan's territory consists mostly of fields. Here they can hunt mice and birds, though their main source of food is fish, which comes from the lake or river. A small stream is to the east of their camp, and the river is to the north. Their border with ShadowClan is the Greenleaf Twolegplace and the border with WindClan is the marshes.


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0 threads - 0 posts
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ShadowClan's camp is hidden behind tangles of bramble and thin tree branches. It is a large clearing in the middle of their dark pine forest. To enter their camp, a cat must go through their thorn tunnel.
1 thread - 1 post
Not havin any luck [open]
by Deleted
Feb 4, 2014 14:41:54 GMT -6
ShadowClan's territory is mostly a dark, spooky-looking pine forest. In the night, it is almost impossible to see anything under the trees, but the ShadowClan cats have adapted to this. To the northwest from their camp is a small Twoleg nest. Kittypets used to cause trouble here, but they have been long taken care of. Their border with ThunderClan is the stream, although they own the clearing across the small strip of water. The border with RiverClan is the Greenleaf Twolegplace.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
1 thread - 4 posts
Early birds [open]
by Deleted
Mar 10, 2014 20:22:43 GMT -6
The journey that SkyClan makes as they head toward the lake territories, where they heard Clan cats were living at. They will cross Thunderpaths, Twolegplaces, fields, and rivers to reach their new home. SkyClan cats only, please.
0 threads - 0 posts
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SkyClan's journey is not yet complete.
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
SkyClan's journey is not yet complete.


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0 threads - 0 posts
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The island is where the four Clans come every full moon to discuss recent events, called a Gathering. It is just off of RiverClan territory. The leaders address the cats on the lowest branches of a giant oak. To get to the island, there is a fallen tree that may be used.
1 thread - 5 posts
this is an adventure! [Coyotesong, Moonshine]
by Coyotestar
Apr 26, 2014 20:38:55 GMT -6
The Moonpool is a sacred place where cats, leaders and medicine cats in particular, share tongues with their ancestors. It is in WindClan territory, towards the north, but any cat may travel there safely if they wish to speak with StarClan.
1 thread - 2 posts
flight is no longer an option. /frostbite
by Deleted
Mar 12, 2014 11:00:02 GMT -6
The Horseplace is a neutral territory in WindClan territory. As it name suggests, it is a place where horses live with their Twolegs. A small Twolegplace is next to the Horseplace, where a couple kittypets may live. It is often used as shelter for loners or rogues.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
128 threads - 129 posts
May 19, 2020 19:39:40 GMT -6
If you haven't advertised on our website, do so here. Please be sure to read our rules before posting.
20 threads - 20 posts
Mark of the Wild: Return of the Aspects
by MOTW Staff
Jun 23, 2014 16:39:34 GMT -6
If we already posted on your site, place your ad here.
12 threads - 22 posts
May 24, 2014 9:28:07 GMT -6
If you'd like to affiliate with Alder Hollow, please read the rules, make a new thread, and fill out the form provided.

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